This is what your career as a data analyst or M and E professional for development projects needs. We have put together all the courses to propel your career to greater heights. And you can get them all with one simple purchase of a monthly or yearly subscription.

NEW: Get full access to the private community

When you purchase full membership, you will also have access to the new private member community.

  • Ask questions and get answers from the community on any data-related task you need support for
  • Hold discussions with fellow students of courses you are taking
  • Provide feedback and request quick support
  • Get access to member-only resources such as video tutorials, session recordings and exclusive live workshops

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the payment methods?

By default, if you click the Enroll Now button above, you will be able t pay conveniently using your credit/debit card or PayPal. If you are not able to pay using these 2 methods, please reach out to us on [email protected] and we will discuss other payment methods such as bank transfer, Western Union or MoneyGram

When do the courses start?

When you buy the membership, you get immediate access to 7 self-paced courses. You also have access to scheduled live course sessions (you can view all our upcoming sessions on this link). The live sessions are also recorded and posted under your account.

Can I cancel my membership?

If for some reason you would like to cancel your membership, reach out to us on [email protected] and we will be sure to help.